Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monthly Poll - Favorite Old School Module Round 3
Ok, so I'm way behind on this, so I should get right to the results...
For round three, you have chosen S4 - The Lost Cavern of Tsojcanth as your favorite old school module with a hefty 33% of the votes
In second place with 18% was B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess
3rd place was a try between the surprising underachiever D1-12 - Dragonlance Saga and I1 - Dwellers of the Forbidden City
4th place was held by N1 - Against the Cult of the Reptile God
For 5th place we have our first ever three way tie between H1-4 - Bloodstone, UK1 - Beyond the Crystal Cave and WG5 - Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure each with 3%
and in last place, sadly with 0.0% is EX1-2 - Wonderland Adventures. Clearly this was not one of TSR's more popular adventure concepts.
Be sure to vote in the Final Round of Favorite Old School Module to determine who the ultimate winner will be.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Audio Book Review: The Elfish Gene
As I have little time to actually sit and read books anymore, I am "forced" into the world of audio books.
I say forced because I lack the time it takes to just sit and enjoy reading, but I really do enjoy audio books. I do a lot of driving and therefore have a lot of time to sit and listen to things, so why not a good book?
I recently found a book called The Elfish Gene by Mark Barrowcliff (an outstanding D&D surname btw). It's a recollection of the authors youth spent playing Dungeons & Dragons, from his discovery of the game through his teenage years and his eventual turning away from the game.
First, let me start by saying Mr. Barrowcliff is English and grew up in England so he uses local slang as you might guess, but for some inexplicable reason they got an American to read his book for the recording. This was a little unusual hearing him explain "football" to Americans spoken by an American. Also, the person reading kept mispronouncing words. He kept pronouncing breeches like "breeks".
Anyways, small annoyances.
The book overall was very interesting to a point. It was a very detailed recollection of his life growing up with little direction and the social awkwardness that being a young boy brings. He talks about his growing D&D obsession as if it was his best friend and it slowly begins to consume his entire life. I could relate to a lot of what he was saying as I can remember when I was 9 and first discovered the game that would be a major part of my life to this day.
Of course, he took it to further extremes than I ever did (LARPing and dabbling in the occult), but I could still relate to how he felt and thought about the game and how it can infiltrate your mind and you can spend hours every day thinking about it and reading about it and playing it. It almost scared me at points making me wonder if I was TOO obsessed, and maybe back then I was, but I always refer back to the old adage "everything in moderation". So long as you don't take any one thing to extremes, you should be ok. I don't think he ever realized that and sank deeper and deeper into the game.
I really enjoyed listening to the book. It brought back a lot of nostalgia and some good feelings about gaming that I long forgotten, but then he draws near the end and his attitude about gaming in general turns. He begins turning on games as a whole as if they were the cause of his problem. It almost started to sound like the old D&D protesters back in the 80's, implying that it is the cause of his obsession and lead him into other things like drugs and the occult. In fact, late in the book he even says "If you're older than 20 and still playing, you're an addict"
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A Three Hour...Life Span?
I don't often play single player video games, I enjoy the group atmosphere a lot more, but I just had to get Dead Island. Since the dead are stubbornly refusing to rise and consume the world I have to content myself with pretty pictures on a tv screen.
Anyways, I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying this game. If you like zombies and the apocalypse as much as I do (and honestly, who doesn't enjoy a good, wholesome apocalypse now and then?), then I think you'll definitely like this game. It has just the right amount of atmosphere and foreboding to scare the hell out of you if you're playing alone in a quiet room and it has enough zombie head smashing to entertain the action junkie in all of us.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Classic Dungeon Trivia 10: The Return
I'm back and so are the obscure D&D module references. You know the rules, first one to guess which module I pulled the following excerpt from gets...well, nothing really...except for the honor of telling their family and friends that they knew an obscure D&D fact faster than anyone else!
Good luck...yer gonna need it
12c. Human Female (11th level thief: HP61; Strength 15; Intelligence 15; Wisdom 8; Dexterity 18; Constitution 16; Charisma 17) chained to the wall. She will gladly admit to being a thief caught trying to find the King's treasure room, and volunteer to aid the party faithfully for a chance to escape. If opportunity presents itself, she will heist as much in gems and magic as she can and then slip away, but until then she will actually help the party. Of course, during this time she will be casing each character to learn what he or she carries.
BTW, the winner of the last Classic Dungeon Trivia was Zandari in 8hrs 59 minutes
BTW, the winner of the last Classic Dungeon Trivia was Zandari in 8hrs 59 minutes
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Products for a New Generation
Continuing on our Halloween inspired posts this month, there is a new product out by Hornady, an ammunition manufacturer: ZombieMax ammo!
Now I'm not an avid shooter, nor an active zombie hunter (although, I would like to try my hand at both someday) so I'm not sure what makes ZombieMax ammo more efficient at killing the living dead than other ammo, but I sure as hell want to find out!
Now if they'll just come out with a line of incendiary "cherry pie" ammo to really light up the night!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
I said War, huh, good God ya'll
yeah, sorta like that...
Does it seem odd to anyone else to have someone standing off to the side during a battle and singing while everyone fights? Do they orcs and trolls just stare at the completely bizarre hummie ritual of strumming a lute while there's killing to be done?
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Artwork Appreciation
One of my favorite pieces of work...
Who's side is that dwarf on? He looks like he's being shielded by the dragon and is wearing armor just like the dragon's scales, but it seems like he should be an adventurer helping to defeat the beast.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Zombie Preparedness
If you've read World War Z, you know about the Lobo.
If you haven't, why are you here? Go read the book and then come back!
ok, now that we're all on the same page, the Lobo is a melee weapon developed by marines during the zombie wars out of old car parts. Its part shovel and part battle axe with a steel haft. Looks like someone might have been inspired by the concept. As soon as I order one, the apocalypse can begin.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
So this seems interesting...
I've been an on-again, off-again comic book fan since I was a little kid. I've always been a fan of the team comic books because I could see lots of super heroes doing super-hero-y things all at once. So when I first heard they were thinking of doing an Avengers movie I figured "There's no way they can make that happen!" well it is and the first teaser looks pretty awesome.
Still not a fan of the new Captain America costume, but it is what it is...
Backstreet's Back...Alright!
Another long hiatus and this time a lot of life changing events to go with it.
So what's new? Well...
Back in March I lost my job after 12 years. A co-worker (someone I thought was a "friend") took a picture of me resting on my lunch hour and sent it directly to HR who promptly, and without inquiry, terminated me without asking questions which was perfectly alright because California is an "at will" state. Meaning they can fire you at anytime for any reason and get away with it. This forced my wife and I to have to move out of our home because the mortgage payment was way too high for one salary and unemployment (which I had to fight with HR and a judge to get because I was fired).
However, we have definitely made the best of a very bad situation and are getting back on track again. We were able to cash out most of my 401k and put a substantial down payment down on another house that is 1000x better than the one we were in and it's in a fantastic neighborhood. This brought our mortgage payment down to a more than reasonable amount that allows us to survive on just one salary if need be. And now I have a new job that I am starting on Monday that has a lot of good potential for growth and advancement which I am VERY excited about. So now that that stress is behind us, I feel like I can get back to normal and do something fun other than search for jobs and worry about the bills. And here I am...
So lets get right to something interesting. Is Wizards of the Coast working on 5th Edition already?
I stumbled on an article that may imply that something "big" is going on over at WOTC and with such mixed reviews from 4th edition, could it be the latest iteration? Will they continue with the current rule set or go back to a more traditional RPG format? If they do go back to traditional style rules, would they feel it was an admission of a failed experiment or just an attempt to recapture the share of the marketplace they are losing to other companies such as Paizo?
I haven't look at any sales number so I don't know if you can call 4th Edition a success or not compared to earlier editions, all I can say is that personally I didn't care for what they did and I stopped purchasing their products. Now Paizo gets my money and I'm sure a large number of others as well. I can't tell if the 4th Edition detractors are the majority of gamers or just a vocal minority. I would hate to see any company change just to please a small, yet very vocal, group of people at the expense of a solid business plan but at the same time, I feel weird talking about being a "D&D" player when I don't like their current product.
To me "D&D" has become synonymous with RPGing. Sorta like how cotton swabs are usually called Q-Tips because that's what most everyone is most familiar with and everyone knows what you're talking about when you tell them you have a Q-Tip stuck in your ear. It's generally easier and quicker to refer to yourself as a D&Der or D&D player than an RPGer. If you tell someone you play D&D they automatically know what you're talking about, just before they laugh at you and try to stick your head in a toilet. If you say you play RPGs, it takes a lot more explanation and eventually you just say something like "You know, D&D" to explain it. And then they laugh at you and try to stick your head in a toilet.
So while I would like to go back to Dungeons & Dragons as a product line because I miss what it used to be, I don't like what it turned in to with 4th Edition so I am torn on what I hope a possible 5th Edition might be.
Of course, I might actually play this version...
Any thoughts?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Monthly Poll - Favorite Old School Module Round 2
I got a couple of emails asking why I left out this module or that so I decided to do a little playoff between modules.
But before we get to that, we need to learn who won round 1.
Lets face it, this time it was sort of a run away win for your number 1 choice for Favorite Old School Module.
With more than twice the number of votes that any other module got, B1: Keep on the Borderlands walked away with the number one spot.
Tied for second with 13% is A1-4: the Slavers Series and D1-2,3: the Descent into the Depths Series
In third we have S2: White Plume Mountain with 11%
Forth place goes to G1-3: Against the Giants with 10%
Fifth place is another tie at 6% with S1: Tomb of Horrors and T1: The Village of Hommlet
Sixth place went to C2: The Ghost Tower of Inverness with 5%
and in last place for this round with only 3% is I3-5: The Pharaoh Series
Now, lets see who will win round 2 and face off against the current favorite for the Favorite Old School Module.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Empire Gaming RPG: A Pictures Worth A Thousand Words
I was reading a post over at Tenkar's Tavern about PDF's and artwork and it got me thinking...which may be a first for me.
I've been writing a game system for quite a few years now and I'm getting close to completion on it. Which in turn is causing me to think of a lot more things I need to do if I ever want to try and publish it. And Tenkar brought up a good point which may be a problem for me. What do I do for artwork? Since stick figures are difficult for me to draw, and I know that art can make or break a publication based on first impressions, what should I do?
I don't know any artists. I don't know where to find artists or how much they cost if I do find one. I can buy clip art, but as I've never publish anything in my life or even attempted it, I'm not sure what I have to do to use them legally. I would hate to finalize this thing and then get sued because I forgot to get permission for a picture.
Anyone out there that has ever published something have an opinion or advice?
Friday, February 18, 2011
Classic Dungeon Trivia 9
As the doors to this magnificent room clanged open, the party barely had time to register their surroundings before Sir Vincent of Diakuw charged forward through the flames. Having recognized the danger immediately, and seizing on an opportunity to finally use his broadsword of Iron Phoenix Slaying, he did do battle with the abomination and stuck down the fell beast in an hour and 49 minutes. And in the wake of the epic battle, Vincent claimed his reward: the fabled Chocolate du bar form.
Cursing the intrepid adventurers for so cleverly defeating his well laid plans, the Dungeon Overload is forced to rethink the ingenuity and guile of his quarry. With a wicked grin, he devises his most insidious room yet. "Try this on for size" he whispers...
Although the walls are the same as elsewhere (rough blackish stone), the floor of this room is covered with ceramic tiles arranged in mosaic fashion. The majority of the thousands of tiles are golden brown in color, but patterns of white and black tiles appear in various places to enhance the effect of the very striking designs thus formed. The designs (various flowing lines, etc.) are purely decorative, and carry no mysterious message or meaning.
Arrayed throughout the room are fourteen different pools, each about ten feet in diameter, with sides sloping to a maximum depth of five feet in the center. This mystical arrangement is doubly amazing, since all the contents of the pools are different. . .
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
DM's Corner: The Devil's in the Details
How much detail should you go into in a game before the whole thing collapses under it's own weight?
Do you track food and water for the party?
Does each character have to keep a running tally of encumbrance?
They may seem like minor details, but I find they can be a great source of plot hooks and sometime necessary information.
Lembas, part of this good, nutritious breakfast |
Lets talk about food and water first. Granted, you can easily assume that the party can hunt and forage for food and water. Or you can take for granted that they stock up on food in town before heading off into the wilderness to avoid the tedium of tracking how much they have on a given day, but that can also do a dis-service to your game. Say you want to surprise the party with a little "survival" adventure where they are lost in the desert and need to use their wits to survive, but not for a few days. If you have never tracked food and water before, and are suddenly asking them to do so, would it ruin the surprise? Would you have a party of adventurers who now know they are going to be starving and dehydrated pretty soon? Of course. Now, it may not be a huge problem to suddenly say "By the way, you've been in the desert for 6 days now, and you're out of food and water" to get the survival ball rolling, but would the players then feel slighted that they weren't allowed to prepare properly?
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Hey Peter...Whuuut's Happening?
Seems we have a bit of a problem. Ya see, we're putting the new cover sheets on all of our TPS reports.
Did you get the memo?
Friday, February 11, 2011
Classic Dungeon Trivia 8
When we last met our stalwart adventurers, they were on the long and perilous Journey to the Rock, and the powerful, but grim, barbarian Daddy Grognard led the way.
In TWELVE #$%@ing minutes!!! I had barely finished typing and he already guessed right. Oh well, chocolate for Big D.
This week, our hearty band has arrived at an unusual chamber...let's see how they react
Light and flame fill your senses. Before you is a 110-foot square room filled with fire. Polished black glassteel reflects the flames into a seeming eternity. Jets of fire soar 100 feet above you into the domed ceiling from four deep pits.There is a set of golden doors in the center of each wall. There is another door in each wall on each side of the double doors. There is a platform in front of each set of doors. A glassteel pathway goes all the way around the room, connecting the platforms. Two 10-foot wide pathways cross the room and meet in the center of the flames at a round platform. This middle platform is 30 feet wide, with a smaller ring in the middle of it. Hanging from the ceiling is a black frame that sits like a tent over the central platform.An Iron Phoenix sits stately on the frame.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Glutton for Punishment
Sometimes I wonder why it is I prefer DMing to playing RPGs.
Anyone that has run a game knows how much time and hard work are put into a game long before anyone is sitting on the other side of the screen from him/her. You spend hours upon hours organizing maps, reading background material, brushing up on encounters so they run smoothly, getting into the mood so you project the right atmosphere, gathering appropriate music (if you're into that, which I am) and printing out page after page of information vital to making a game as enjoyable and involving as possible. All this on the hope that it will entertain a few Mountain Dew swilling critics that just showed up to kick ass and eat pizza for the night.
Yet somehow, that is so much more fun than just being a player. I have spent weeks preparing games and doing research to be ready for my players. And the time just flies by because I am having so much fun delving into ancient tomes of forbidden lore, summoning images from the interweb that once seen, they can no longer be unseen, and telling stories that chill the spine and raise the hairs on the most hardened adventurers neck all for that moment of triumph when the party explodes in cheers of victory after successfully navigating a quest *I* was able to bestow upon them.
There is a great satisfaction in being an entertainer for just one night a week.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
I Take My Throwing Knife, and Throw It...Knife Style!
I finally got to watch the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons episode of Community. I haven't seen the show before, but I saw the commercials and had to find this episode at least.
I didn't go into it with much hope, just because most people that "make fun" of D&D don't really understand it so it just comes off as awkward and sorta lame, but I have to say I really enjoyed it. They had a fairly good idea of what the game is about and played it fairly seriously...well, as seriously as any of my players have ever played.
I feel like a total nerd because I recognized the map in front of the DM as the map of the demonweb from Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits.
"I won Dungeons & Dragons...and it was Advanced!"
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Side 1 |
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Side 2 |
"I won Dungeons & Dragons...and it was Advanced!"
DM's Corner: Railroading Is Not A Crime
Have you ever been accused of railroading a party? A while back (before my self imposed exile from GMing) I was running a short adventure for a few friends. It was a 1st level adventure for "Just made up", wet-behind-the-ears adventurers. The beginning premise is that the party stumbles on a dead adventurer in the wilderness and find the deed to an inn. Once arriving in the town that the inn is located, they find that it is in disrepair, thus beginning the adventure to restore it and run it as an adventurer hot spot. After all, all those "You all begin in a tavern" adventures have to take place somewhere!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Skill Sharpening
Had the opportunity to do a little Gming this weekend, and I have to say it went better than I expected. My wife decided to go scrapbooking for the night on Friday so I took the night off as a chance to gather a few players and 1) play test my game system further, 2) hone my waning GM skills.
I had started a little Zombiegeddon game last Halloween just as a between session filler and for a little seasonal gaming. And to be honest, I needed a break from sword & sorcery gaming for a little while. I love D&D and fantasy settings, but once in a while I need to play something different or I get burned out and everything starts to blend together.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Monthly Poll - Favorite Old School Module
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Stolen directly from Grognardia's web site |
Sort of a small turn out for last months Monthly Poll so this shouldn't take long.
In 1st place for the favorite "deceptive" creature with 36% of the votes was the Doppleganger
2nd Place goes to the Water Weird (one of my personal favorites)
3rd place is Gas Spore. I have to say here that I've never known a party to race forward to start hacking on a beholder, so the gas spore was never really that much of a surprise for them.
At 4th with 12% was the lovably mimic. Everyone loves a treasure chest with teeth!
in 5th with 4% was the Lurker Above and in dead last without a single vote was the forgettable Trapper.
This month we gonna find out which classic D&D module or series of modules was your favorite, either to play or to run. Or maybe its just the most memorable.
Classic Dungeon Trivia 7
I thought last weeks was tough....wrong again. Vincent Diakuw was able to get it right in an hour and 56 minutes. Although, this time I actually had someone guess wrong. Maybe I'm getting more cryptic.
Anyways, the answer was Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits
On to this weeks trivia...
Player's Background
For weeks, you’ve been looking for adventure in this forsaken wilderness, with nothing much to show for it. It’s autumn now, with winter fast-approaching, and you’ll be in real trouble if you don’t earn some treasure soon.
As you’re finishing breakfast at a cheap inn, a traveler walks into the common room. In a loud voice he says, “Peace be upon you all! I, Hakeem the merchant, seek Hargath Stonehand and his worthy friends! ”
As you’re finishing breakfast at a cheap inn, a traveler walks into the common room. In a loud voice he says, “Peace be upon you all! I, Hakeem the merchant, seek Hargath Stonehand and his worthy friends! ”
If anyone decides to talk to Hakeem, he says,
“As I passed through Sylvanhome forest on the way here, I stopped at The Manor, a fine palace owned by the wizard Lirdrium Arkayz. His servant Jenlar Temlin paid me to look for you and deliver his message to you. The wizard needs adventurers to undertake a quest, and he is willing to pay well anyone who answers his call. The letter of his servant explains all. Good day, my friends.” He lays a scroll on your table, then turns to leave.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
My Powers are Fading
A long time again, on a PC far far away I used to play Ultima Online, one of the first and, in my humble opinion, one of the best MMORPGs ever made.
It ran on a system of skill points. Each character could gain up to 700 points divided among all the available skills to a maximum of 100 in each. As you performed certain tasks, that skill had a chance of being increased do to usage. The funny thing was, if you had already gained all 700 skill points and gained another point in a skill, it would take a point away from your least used skill. This was to simulate an atrophy of skills that are hardly used in favor of those that are used often.
Flourish and Blotts for the Pathfinder in all of us
I was directed to a great site the other day has a great utility called Perram's Spellbook, that allows you to print out spells on cards of varying sizes that are easy to take with you and eliminates the constant page flipping that all you wizards and clerics out there do.
You can print them out as 3"x5", 4"x6" or playing card sized that fit nicely into those Magic: The Gathering card sleeves. Granted, there are a few spells that have extra long descriptions that require multiple cards to get the whole thing, but its still a really inventive and handy utility.
Also, it has the option of inputting your own spells to create your own cards. It looks like it's catered directly for Pathfinder, but I don't see a problem inputting the few spells that may be different between Pathfinder and 3.5.
And don't even think of using Bigby's Inappropriate Hand, I already have the copyright.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Classic Dungeon Trivia 6
Continuing with my effort to stay of track with Classic Dungeon Trivia Friday's, I'm actually going to post one on a Friday!
As to our last installment...Grendlewulf answered correctly with U1: The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. The candybar goes to him.
Now, on to this weeks moderately challenging trivia. And in the words of your dark lord and mine "I have you now!"
This room is 30' across and 70' wide, the door opening in the center of one 70' wall. Directly across from the door is a mirror of opposition. Lounging throughout the room are 20 ogres (AC 5, MV 9", HD 4+1, hp 25 each, #AT 1, D 1-10). When the door is opened, one of the characters who opened the door will automatically look into the mirror; the DM should roll randomly to determine which one. This character's opposite will step out of the mirror andattack. At the same time, the ogres will join and attack the party. The ogres will automatically treat the opposite as their leader.
This room is 30' across and 70' wide, the door opening in the center of one 70' wall. Directly across from the door is a mirror of opposition. Lounging throughout the room are 20 ogres (AC 5, MV 9", HD 4+1, hp 25 each, #AT 1, D 1-10). When the door is opened, one of the characters who opened the door will automatically look into the mirror; the DM should roll randomly to determine which one. This character's opposite will step out of the mirror andattack. At the same time, the ogres will join and attack the party. The ogres will automatically treat the opposite as their leader.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Classic Dungeon Trivia 5
Damn it! I just realized I've missed the last TWO Classic Dungeon Trivia Fridays. So I'm gonna do one now, and in 4 minutes after one of you D&D Savants answers it I'll start posting one every Friday...I hope.
As for the last one JB answered correctly in 1hr 11min, and I think he stalled just to make me feel better. Or maybe he was hung over from New Years Eve. Regardless, the correct answer was D2: Shrine of the Kuo Toa.
On to the first of this weeks Classic Dungeon Trivia...
This bedroom is dirty and decayed; the floorboards appear intact but rubbish is scattered everywhere and webs are profuse on the walls and ceiling. From the doorway, you can see a glint of light in the fireplace from what appears to be a small, highly reflective object. There is no furniture in here.
The object in the fireplace is simply a fist-sized chunk of crystal. It has no value though it is superficially attractive. In the webs live two large spiders (AC 8; HD 1+1; hp 7 each; #AT 1; D 1 hit point plus poison) which are 90% likely to attack (check each round anyone is in the room).
The spiders’ poison is relatively weak — saving throws against poison are at a bonus of +2 and the effects of a bite are less severe than most. Thus the poisonous bite will not kill the victim though he/she will be incapacitated and completely helpless for 1-6 hours.
Photoshop and Dundjinni
If you know me at all, you know I'm the Rain Man of computers without all the gambling ability. I barely know how to fill out this blog much less do anything with Photoshop. So I was wondering if anyone out there know much about it and can help me out.
I'm trying to create some objects for Dunjinni with Photoshop because I think that's what they all use over there to make them. The problem is, when I make an object, it retains the lovely white background that I created the picture on. How do I go about creating an object, in this case a post-apocalyptic building, and get rid of the back ground so I can place it as an object in Dundjinni?
This is an example of what I'm trying to do, but I always get stuck with a white field around the building.
Just curious if anyone has any ideas or useful links
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Too Much Detail?
I was flipping through some adventures the other day and I noticed what seems to be a trend with Pathfinder products...
There is A LOT of detail in those things!
My group recently finished, or rather abandoned (for a completely unrelated reason to the length of the series), the Rise of the Runelords series so I decided to go through the modules just to see what sort of stuff we, the players, had missed. I was surprised to see how dense they were. The first adventure "Burnt Offerings", for example, is a 96 page monster of an adventure. Now, we did run through this for a few sessions, but that seems excessive for the amount of time we spent playing. I assumed that we had just missed a lot of what was in there, but as I scanned it I realized that we didn't. We hit nearly everything in there but it was still a huge book, so I decided to read a little deeper. What I found was there is an extraordinary amount of detail put into them.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Classic Dungeon Trivia 4
I'd like to thank Christopher B for waiting nearly 2 1/2 hours before answering last weeks Classic Dungeon Trivia. I swear I'm trying to make these somewhat challenging, but it's just not turning out that way. Lets try another before I get really serious with you guys.
STEPS OF THE ZIGGURAT If the group reaches this point they will be able to see low altar stones with shells upon them. There are 2 such containers on the first tier of the ziggurat, and other pairs on each successively higher altar. Each tier of the pyramid is 12' high, and the steps are steep. These steps must be ascended by all creatures passing through, so that homage can be paid to the goddess, an offering paid, and passage continued elsewhere. Groups coming in from other tunnels are held in waiting areas while appointed representatives perform the necessary obeisance.
Monthly Poll - Favorite Deceptive Creature
Another poll comes to a close, so lets see how our favorite undead creatures stack up against one another.
First place goes to my favorite, the Lich with 27% of your votes
2nd place was a bit of a surprise to me, Skeletons rock the vote with a solid 23%
3rd place, with 20% of the votes is everyone's favorite grave robber, the Ghoul with 20%
4th place, with a shockingly low 10% is the Zombie
Checking in at 5th place with 9% of the votes is the Wraith
in 6th place with only 7% of all votes cast is the Vampire. I have a feeling our friendly neighborhood blood sucker suffered quite a bit in the polling from recent film adaptations (I'm looking at you Sparkly!)
and in last place, the bottom of the barrel with only 1, count them 1, very late vote is the Ghost. I have to say, the ghost would have been my least favorite too. They just seem a little dull. They serve better as a plot device rather than an adversary. Never failed, every time we faced off against a ghost it was when we had nothing that could even hit it.
So there you have it, your favorite undead. Make sure you tune in this month for your favorite Deceptive Creature. A creature that likes to appear as something other than what it really is.
Happy New Year!
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
A new year means 365 more chances to game...unless its a leap year, its not a leap year is it?
Anyways, hopefully I'll have a whole year's worth of blogs that someone out there might fight entertaining if not enlightening. Of course, I'm already running late on a few posts, so stay tuned for January's monthly poll and this weeks Classic Dungeon Trivia.
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